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Thursday, December 27, 2012

3 on Thursday

Today, the annual Konter family ski vacation comes to an end.  I'm sad to part with my parents, brother, and sister-in-law, but at least I have New Years festivities to look forward to!
I was so excited when Steph finally got back from her honeymoon.  Two weeks without that lil lady was too long for me.  I have since placed an interdiction on long vacations sans moi.  Anyway, once she returned, I immediately headed to Hoboken for a little playtime with her and Gav.  The PATH is still down due to complications from Hurricane Sandy, so I took the Ferry.  At $9 each way, it's a more expensive method of traveling, but it was nice to do something different.  Plus, I love standing on a dock, looking out at the water.

Excuse the non-manicured nails, but I wanted to show off my latest jewelry purchase.  When I received a gift card to Henri Bendel, the luxury accessory store, I went a little crazy.  My favorite of all my purchases, however, was probably this thumb ring.  I was inspired once again by Emily from Cupcakes and Cashmere, who often wears a very thin gold band on her thumb.  I love how dainty it looks and as someone who doesn't wear a ton of jewelry, I feel like it instantly makes me feel put together.  Considering I've worn it almost every day since buying it, I'd say it was more than worth the $28 I spent.  It's also proof that you can find some great pieces at affordable prices at Benel's - don't just write it off as a too-expensive 5th Avenue store for the well-to-do!

On a recent 3 on Thursday post, I reported joining tumblr.  In addition to having another creative outlet, I've loved discovering fun new blogs.  One such new fave is Garfield Minus Garfield, which removes Garfield from the comics, leaving you with a lone John Arbuckle.  The blog exposes our favorite cat owner's existential tendencies as he comes closer and closer to a nervous breakdown.  How do people think of these things?!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Mi Casa

After Allison broke her wrist on the first run of the ski trip, she got to pick the restaurant. A Train wanted Mexican so Mark whipped out the iPhone to compare the two Mexi restaurants on Yelp. Mi Casa won out as the best in Breck so off we went.

Mi Casa has all the usual Mexican dishes like quesadillas and tacos, but they've also added some Rocky Mountain touches like elk enchiladas (my father's choice) and buffalo fajitas. You know you're in Colorado when game is automatically added to the menu, regardless of cuisine.

We started with queso because, well, there was no way I would allow otherwise since it suspiciously doesn't exist in NYC. It was a great version with extra peppers to take it beyond the regular melted white cheese dip. My Mom and Allison shared the carnitas and cleared the plate. Mark got the shrimp diablo (pictured). It showed up murder-red so you knew it was going to be spicy. It packed some heat, but the polenta cake took your mind off of it a bit. I've never seen polenta in Mexican food, but I'm not going to kick it out of the club. I ordered the chorizo quesadillas and added mushrooms. I know there's not much to quesadillas, but I thought this was delicious. Perfect cheese to filling ratio with a nice drizzle of Serrano crema. This quesadilla didn't need mounds of sour cream, guac, and salsa to make it taste right. It was perfect as is.

I wouldn't go as far as to say that Mi Casa is Nuevo Latino, but they certainly gave traditional Mexican the mountain treatment. If I'm traveling all the way to Colorado, I want to infuse a little of the local pizazz into the food. It also gave Allison the opportunity to self medicate with margaritas and cervesas, which may be better than modern medicine.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Book Review: How To Be Black

I bought Baratunde Thurston's "How To Be Black" for my brother as a Chanukah present, from one super white person to another. The book, however, took a slight detour because while I was sitting in the airport on the way to meet my dear Bubba I read the back of the book and decided to read it myself. I read the whole thing cover to cover on the flight from NYC to Colorado and then gifted it to my brother, none the wiser.

Thurston uses humor to make the awkward topic of race the center of conversation. Not only does he share stories of growing up with a hippy mother and absent father in the midst of DC's crack era, he asks a well rounded panel of black and white men and women (plus one white guy for diversity's sake) deep reaching questions relating to their blackness. Finally, Thurston takes the role of teacher so that we can all learn how to be great black employees or even the second black president.

Maybe this book will get ya talking about race relations or other important things. Even if it doesn't, you'll enjoy it because it's plain funny.

Four out of five stars.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Breckinridge Brewery

My brother has the ability to sniff out a brewery the moment he steps into a new city. On our first night in Breckinridge, we happily yielded to his preference and had dinner and a couple of brewskies at Breckinridge Brewery. While my brother lived their double IPA, I was a big fan of the Agave Wheat. I don't know much about beer, but I know I likes that one.

Breckinridge Brewery is the kind of place where you make friends by the bar. After chatting it up with some ski bums who have decided to blow off the real world in favor of making the slopes their life, we headed to the table for some grub. The list of burgers, salads, and sandwiches is extensive, but my main recommendation is the beer cheese fries. Smothered with hoppy beer cheese, sweet applewood smoked bacon, and green onion, this is one serious plate of food. Even the most health conscious members of our group couldn't help but dig in.

Friday, December 21, 2012


Yesterday's post was canceled due to hangover and today is a travel day.  We'll be up and running again VERY soon so check back starting Monday for some fun new posts!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Prosciutto Arugula Bundles

I had mentioned in my Oyster Roast post that Allison made an appetizer that I had plans to steal and this week I did just that at book club.  I promised I would give Allison full credit and here I am, giving her a big pat on the back for sharing this recipe because it was a hit.

This is a great recipe for just about any occasion.  It's perfect when you're hosting a party because it only takes a minute to throw together, leaving you time to focus on other dishes, decorations, or mingling with guests.  It's also great for a potluck because it can be made in advance and then travels well, served at room temp.

Lay out strips of prosciutto, put a little mound of arugula in the middle, add some blue cheese or gorgonzola crumbles, and roll up into a little bundle.  You won't even need toothpicks to secure them.  They look nice and pretty with the green poking out and arugula and prosciutto work together well as they are their own natural salt and pepper shakers.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Brussels Sprout Gratin with Blue Cheese

Since my Sunday night meal, consisted primarily of healthy leftovers, I decided to splurge a little with the side dish.  I suppose when the side dish is a gratin, a dish known for it's cream and cheese, it's more than a small splurge.  Oh well, it was good and my tummy was happy.  I used this recipe for a Brussels sprout gratin with blue cheese and it came out better than expected.  I was concerned that the blue cheese would be a little strong for my taste, but the cream parmesan toned it down a bit.  The new flavor introduced by the mustard somehow brings your attention back to the Brussels sprouts and reminds you that you're not just eating a cheese dish.  

I bought enough Brussels sprouts to properly fit into the pan I was using, which I'm pretty sure was less than what the recipe calls for.  Because I was no longer using the same portions, I eyeballed the blue cheese and parmesan.  When it game time to pour the cream/milk/mustard mixture over the top, I mixed it in full amounts but then only poured til when I thought it looked right.  I'm pretty sure this is less than the recipe calls for even if I had taken everything down proportionately.  You may not need all the sauce it calls for - trust your gut.

This is a heavy dish, but when you're ready to indulge in the Wintertime, it's just right.  Go ahead and splurge - at this time of year you're covering up your belly with bulky sweaters anyway.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Lasagna Rollups

I've seen people making lasagna rollups on the Food Network for years now but never thought it was for me.  What could be easier than regular lasagna?  Lasagna rollups, that's what.

While I cooked the lasagna noodles, I mixed up ricotta, shredded mozzarella, and fresh spinach (you could use frozen if you prefer but defrosting is a whole extra step and who needs that?).  I laid out each noodle, spread on some of the cheese mixture, added some rotisserie chicken, and then rolled up like a pinwheel.  I was able to perfectly fit six in a baking dish where I poured pink sauce (marinara mixed with cream) over the top (just enough to lightly cover it) and topped with some shredded parmesan.  Stick it in the oven at 375 til its warmed through and the parmesan is melted (about 15 minutes).

I learned quickly not to overstuff with the cheese (don't go all the way to the ruffly edges) and was soon making perfect mini lasagna logs.  As a whole, this probably uses less cheese and sauce so I suppose it's a little healthier in terms of ingredients.  The real reason this is healthier (healthier, let's not kid ourselves - it's not a diet meal) is because it's instant portion control.  Everyone loves getting their own personal little lasagna.  It's pretty adorable.

Cute is fine when it comes to toddlers, but when we're talking about lasagna, I want to know that it tastes good.  And this does.  Chicken is a nice change of pace from ground beef but the pink sauce on top keeps you from going full white lasagna (which is basically just rich alfredo).  It's a little of the familiar with some new flavors thrown in for good measure.  So basically you've got both cute and yummy working in your favor which leads me to believe that you'll win over friends with this one.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Book Review: Testimony

My building has a wonderful little library in the laundry room - just one more thing that makes me love living here.  While I was waiting for the dryer to buzz, I decided to peruse the shelves for a title that jumped out at me.  I stopped when I saw "Testimony" by Anita Shreve.  I hadn't heard of this particular title, but I know that people seem to love Shreve's books, "The Pilot's Wife," in particular.  After reading the back cover that described a sex scandal that tears through a Vermont boarding school, ruining the lives of many, I decided this book was coming upstairs with me.

From the lunch lady to the perpetrators, the story is told through so many perspectives, it's hard to keep track.  You figure out who everyone is soon enough and appreciate the different insights they bring to the table.  They each only get a few pages at a time, which keeps you rapt, eager to see how each person will be affected.

The story takes place in 2006 and 2008, making the themes of teenage sex and alcohol use very real.  As you're reading, you can tell it's not an exaggerated depiction of what is happening with high school kids.  Let's not ask if it's happening; we know it is, so how can we prevent it from spiraling into situations like this...or is an attempt at prevention futile?

The biggest question is who is at fault?  Is it the adults who had an affair?  The 18 year old boys who should have known better?  The parents who should have been more involved?  Or the 14 year old siren who more than consented?  The law says one thing, your head may say another.  My personal thought: that little Sienna is quite the bitch.

4 out of  5 stars.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

3 on Thursday

I've been eating more chocolate than usual.  I'm a sucker for the extra dark kind (I feel like that's the start of one of those "I like my chocolate like I like my men" jokes) and have found some great chocolatiers lately.  With that, I bring you the 3 on Thursday: Chocolate Edition.
While home for Thanksgiving, I found a new store on Broughton Street, our main downtown thoroughfare.  Chocolate by Adam Turoni produces the most delicate chocolate truffles.  I had a cognac fig one and a habanero caramel sea salt one.  Both were perfect.  At $2.50 for each tiny chocolate, it's not something you can get often, but it's wonderful for when you want to treat yourself.  A store like this will depend entirely on Savannah's tourist population so I figure it could be tough to keep afloat, but I really hope it makes it because Savannah could use something fancy like this.
If you don't feel like going high end with the chocolate shop mentioned above, look no further than Trader Joe's.  Anywhere else, a dark chocolate bar filled with caramel and sea salt would set you back about $4.  Here, however, it's about $1.87.  And not for nothing, the packaging is great.  I also fell in love with one of their seasonal treats dark chocolate covered marshmallows with caramel.  
Lauri showed up to my housewarming with a box of truffles from The Chocolate Room, a shop in her new Brooklyn neighborhood.   In terms of price, this one falls somewhere between Adam Turoni and Trader Joe.  With flavors like lemon verbena ganache, they've got the right tastes and based on their website, they have the right atmosphere, too.  It seems they have a nice lil cafe along with a whole slew of cakes and other desserts to satisfy any chocolate craving.  I'm a little upset to have learned about this place only to realize it's a little deep into Brooklyn for this Manhattan girl.  Oh well, a little subway ride never hurt anyone...

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Yunnan Kitchen

With a fussy 21 month old, you don't get the luxury of long dinners, but that doesn't make the food any less good.  Yunnan Kitchen is a relatively new trendy Chinese spot in the LES that has proven tough to get into during prime dining time.  The New York Times quickly learned of it's growing popularity and reviewed it, giving one star to it's "farmers' market approach" to Chinese.

I must admit, this is not like any Chinese I've ever had.  Perhaps that's because the Yunnan Province of China, which borders Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam, pulls flavors from it's neighboring regions.  Whatever the reason, the pickled green papaya salad with warm chicken was crunchy, tart, and spicy - unlike anything I've ever been served in a Chinese restaurant.  We also tried the mushroom rice cakes (I love those gummy rice cakes but make sure you really like mushrooms - like I do - before ordering this) and the Chinese sausage fried rice (perfect sliced sausage with greens that made this different from typical fried rice) - both winners.  I was not a fan of the pork ribs, which were dry and didn't have any sort of sauce that would have allowed all the herbs to adhere to them.  That misstep was redeemed by a chicken dish (a special, I believe) that had the most unique spice I've ever had.  It didn't last like a hot pepper, nor did it clear out your sinuses like wasabi.  Instead, it made my entire tongue tingle.  I couldn't quite place it, but that "whatsit" is what will make Yunnan Kitchen stick out in my mind as a Chinese destination in NYC.
Chinese sausage fried rice

Papaya Salad

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


A new Thai place opened in my neighborhood and I thought I was going to get Rebekah to come to my side of town to try it.  When we stayed near her West Side apartment, I thought all was lost...until we walked by the restaurant on 9th Ave.  Apparently, my restaurant has a sister so I got to try it after all.

I have no idea if V{IV} is pronounced Viv (like the nickname for Vivienne) or 5-4.  It's not located on 54th so, really, it could be either and I'll probably switch up the name depending on my mood.  Whatever it's called, they make good food.  The waiter recommended the avocado massaman curry and the creamy potato and peanut sauce did not disappoint.  I was also happy to see real chicken in my bowl.  Usually, Thai restaurants have cut up the chicken in those thin slices in advance (just like in Chinese takeout).  It tastes fine, but it doesn't taste like home cooking.  This chicken seemed to have been simmering for hours and fell off the bone (which, if you're keeping up, means they actually served it on the bone instead of as those pre-cut slices).  At $12 it was right in line with typical Thai takeout prices but the quality was better.

Now, not only did I find a new Thai spot, I don't have to go Hell's Kitchen to eat it again.  I don't even have to get out of my pajamas since the East Side location is in convenient delivery distance.
Didn't get any pics of the food, but did capture the porthole on the bathroom door (that was next to some groovy, not-pictured tropical wallpaper) and a huge brass lady lamp that was sitting on a console table (also next to great wallpaper) right outside the bathroom.  

Monday, December 10, 2012

Book Review: Wild

My latest book club read was a memoir that quickly topped the best seller list in 2012.  In "Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail," Cheryl Strayed recounts her several month trek through California and Oregon.  I've hiked a [very] small piece of the Appalachian Trail so I know that sort of hiking is tough work, especially if you're doing it entirely alone.  Not only does Strayed complete something few attempt (much less accomplish), she finds herself in the process.

I'm pretty sure Strayed and I would not have been friends in real life.  Although I love getting outdoorsy, there's a difference between enjoying nature and being granola.  I have no problem hiking and camping for days without access to a shower, but I can't relate to the hippy culture - just not me.  Strayed and I come from completely different backgrounds.  After her mother packed up her and her siblings to leave an abusive marriage, the family bounced around apartments on the brink of poverty until settling with a stable husband and moving to the middle of nowhere to live off the land without many modern conveniences.  None of that sounds bearable to me but was normal for her.  I'm from the South so getting married young is typical but married at 19 (like Strayed) is pushing it.  I also can't identify with her bender on heroin and sex, which she goes on after her mother dies of cancer, prompting her divorce.  All this craziness leads her to take a journey so she can piece her life back together.  I can't relate to any of the events that led her to that point, but I can imagine (somewhat) what it must feel like to be there.  I think I'd want to center myself, too.

Cheryl Strayed and I may not have been friends, but I respect what she did - not just hiking the PCT but having the courage to recognize when your life is not exactly where you want it to be and doing something about it.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Bok Choy and Asparagus

I made bok choy for the first time the other night and have since decided to make it a regular fixture in my diet.  The super easy recipe came courtesy of my mom who bought the central ingredient on a lark and then found a recipe so it wouldn't go to waste.  When it panned out, she passed the recipe along to me because she's not one to keep good things to herself.

All you do is saute chopped bok choy and asparagus until it's nearly as tender as you like.  Then mix 1/4 cup chicken stock with one teaspoon corn starch and 1.5 teaspoons honey.  Pour the sauce over the vegetables and let it cook down until the liquid is mostly gone.  Add salt to taste and you're good to go. Serve over rice and [I prefer] alongside Asian glazed salmon.

When I'm in the mood for a quick and easy vegetable, I usually just roast some broccoli or cauliflower. This is a nice option that's just as healthy and not quite so monotonous.  

Thursday, December 6, 2012

3 on Thursday

Between now and Christmas break, I think I have one weeknight to myself.  Maybe two.  I'm exhausted just thinking about it.
My Mom has always been good with brooches and bangles.  I, on the other hand, tend to stick to one or two jewelry pieces and wear them every day.  I am too afraid I'll get it wrong when mixing and stacking jewelry so I don't even try.  That sort of meek attitude won't get me anywhere in life!  It's time I amped up my jewelry collection and Bauble Bar is the perfect place for me to stock up on fun, trendy pieces.  Not only is everything very "now," the prices are great.  They get even better when they offer their deeply discounted buried baubles each week.  When I decided to put together a pleated skirt/turtlneck combo I knew It needed a chunky statement necklace to complete the look and this is the best place to get it.

I'M TUMBLING!  I always thought tumblr was basically another blog platform (like blogspot vs. wordpress) so I assumed I was good to go with the blog I've got.  After reading an article about the year's best tumblrs I realized a blog and a tumblr are two different beasts.  While blogs are all about writing, tumblrs use more mixed media and typically feature snack sized content.  tumblr is also a more social environment.  While blogs are destinations, they're not usually viewed in a stream.  tumblr is all about streaming so you can see what your friends or favorite writers post constantly.  Because posts are usually small, they lend themselves to sharing more than a typical blog.  I am in NO way abandoning this blog.  If anything, I am more committed to posting regularly.  However, as a media professional, I see the benefit using different social media avenues.  Plus, I think it's cool.  When it comes to social media, don't just be there to be there.  I can't tell you how many companies use Facebook or Twitter without thinking how to best leverage those platforms for their brand.  In some cases, doing social media poorly is worse than not doing it at all.  While I could talk about best business practices for a while, I won't bore you.  I will, however, mention one of my rules of thumb.  (::Free advice!::)  Don't repurpose content.  Instead, play up the assets of each space.  For me, that means using this blog for [by internet standards] longform content.  As I'm sure you've noticed, this is basically a food blog, with the exception of book reviews and "3 on Thursday" (which still features lots of food).  It will remain so.  My tumblr, She's Mad, She'll Get Glad  is based on one of my Mom's best pieces of advice.  When someone is acting pissy for no good reason, her motto is "If she's mad, she'll get glad."  Basically, it means the brat's gotta buck up and put a smile on her face and we need to not let her get us down.  An example: "Mom, I put so much effort into this huge dinner but Jane is upset because I'm serving pasta instead of rice.....Well, Tess, if she's mad she'll get glad.  You've put too much time into this to worry about one person."  I try not to walk around like a Negative Nancy and don't like having any of those around me so my tumblr is going to have regular posts meant only to put a smile on your face.  It's a lot easier to go from mad to glad after seeing this stuff.  I don't plan on repeating what I've already posted on Instagram or Twitter so this will be something totally new - follow me!
When scaffolding went up right in front of the new, upscale florist by my apartment, he used it to his advantage.  I didn't even notice the pile of trash on the sidewalk after through this Winter Wonderland.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I can't help but say the name of this restaurant, Arang, in anything but the voice of an old butler going "You raaaang, sir?"  It's not like that makes the food taste any better, but it elicits a giggle from me every time and giggles do seem to make a meal more enjoyable.

Matt and I stumbled into Arang after jumping ship from Kunjip when we saw how long the line was.  We were in the middle of K-town and starving.  Any restaurant was bound to be good at that point, especially one that was directly upstairs from where we were standing.  We walked upstairs and attacked the menu.

Matt picked out bulgogi jungol (beef and glass noodles in a sweet broth), while I chose the seafood pancake, and spicy calamari with pork.  The beef soup was definitely the kind of thing I would want to eat if I was sick.  It makes me wonder why people still eat chicken noodle.  The seafood pancake was tasty, but lacked the quantity of seafood we were expecting.  The calamari was by far our favorite.  It's a plate full of squid, pork, and a sweet and spicy sauce - no filler.  It's exactly what you want when you order this dish.  Next time I'll have to try the rice cake with cheese since we were told by the guys at the table next to us that it is the house specialty...and it did smell amazing.

My only complaint is that they clearly toned down the spice for us white kids.  I prefer not to have my tongue on fire but if I order something that is listed on the menu as spicy, I expect some heat.  When there are so many restaurants on the K-town block, I found this one slightly overpriced, but I enjoyed everything I ate.  It's definitely worth another go, especially if I can convince them that I can handle a little more spice.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Crab Stuffed Portabellos

On Sunday night I made one of the easiest recipes I could think of that also happens to look pretty fancy.  Crab stuffed portabello mushrooms are basically a crab cake stuck in an oversized mushroom cap, but since you have the mushroom for support, you don't need to add so much of the pesky filler.  

After cleaning out the stem and gills, I rubbed a little olive oil on the top of the mushroom and placed it face-up on a foil lined baking sheet.  Then I filled it with my crab mixture, which was basically just crab meat, mayo, panko bread crumbs, lemon juice, old bay seasoning, and parsley.  I stuck it in the oven for about 15-20 minutes at 350 and that was it.  

Besides being super easy, it's healthy if you use low fat mayo like I did.  It's a pretty gorgeous item to serve at a small dinner party as a replacement to the soup course and takes far less time to prepare.  Your guests will thank you for the change of pace.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Caprese Chicken and Mushroom Orzo

I'm here to tell you some shocking news: healthy can be tasty.  I was dubious, but after the meal I cooked on Thursday, I'm a believer.

Lindsay came over for a laid back evening of dinner and Glee because it had been far too long since we'd caught up.  I didn't have it in me to prepare anything spectacular so easy was the most important thing.  Easy, however, is hard to come by when you want to be healthy.  My go-to for getting dinner on the table quickly is just to throw cheese and heavy cream on everything, but that won't help me lose the 5 lbs I gained when I couldn't work out for a few weeks thanks to a broken toe.  After doing some research, I found a couple recipes that not only came together in a hurry but were healthy and ::shock:: tasty.

The first recipe came courtesy of SkinnyTaste.  First, buy the boneless skinless chicken breasts that have already been cut thin.  This serves two purposes: 1) portion control and 2) quick cooking time.  Top the chicken with pesto and stick it in the oven for 15 minutes at 400.  Take it out, top with sliced tomato, sliced fresh mozzarella, and freshly grated parmesan.  Stick it back in the oven for about 5 minutes so the cheese can melt.  While you're cooking the chicken, saute mushrooms and onions in olive oil.  When they look like they're good to go (about 10 minutes), add 2 cups of chicken broth.  Once that starts boiling, add a cup of orzo, reduce the heat, and let it cook for about 15 minutes until the broth is absorbed.  When it's done, stir in fresh parsley and pine nuts.  The resulting pilaf is super flavorful.  Using chicken broth instead of water makes a huge difference (and it's low sodium - healthy high five!).

Using so many fresh ingredients gave the dishes tons of flavor with little fat.  We also started with a salad to make sure we filled our bellies first with healthy veggies.  I hid the fact that I had low expectations for this meal from Lindsay for fear of scaring her off.  I figured once we finished the meal we would be so proud we ate healthy that we wouldn't care the food was a little bland.  I was so happy the food was the opposite of bland while still being good for you.  Linds even got seconds of orzo!

Friday, November 30, 2012


I would put Leoci's in Savannah up against any Italian restaurant in New York.  I went there for the first time on Saturday and absolutely loved it.  The homemade pasta is what propels them into the superior Italian stratosphere and their sauces keep them there.  I ordered one of the daily specials but tasted everybody's meal so I can say for sure that it was all good.  

Allison and I both ordered cappelini in saffron cream sauce with grilled calamari and a whole trout.  Good.  My Daddy ordered acorn squash stuffed with risotto, pork, and cheese.  Good.  My Mom ordered lasagna that was made without ricotta but with lots of layers.  Good.  Mark ordered gnocci with "hunter sauce" (beef pork, veal ragu with cream and peas).  Good.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but I didn't describe anything as less than good.  I probably should have picked a better adjective because "good" just doesn't do this pasta justice.

One thing you get in Leoci's that you may not get in New York: a great patio seating area with bocce.  Another thing that's harder to come by outside our small town: conversation with the chef who walks up to each table to chat about the meal.
Unfortunately, the other pics didn't turn out so well so you just get to see the lasagna.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

3 on Thursday

Now that the long Thanksgiving weekend has come and gone, I'm already counting down to Xmas break.  The time will pass quickly as it always does when I'm happy - and happy I am because spending Thanksgiving at home reminded me of how many amazing things I have in my life: wonderful family and friends, the culture of a beautiful, historical city, and a cozy new apartment that I get to call home.
My latest Netflix pick was "Jiro Dreams of Sushi," a documentary following Jiro Ono who, at 85, is still working every day to perfect the sushi he serves at his small 10-seat restaurant.  In addition to learning about the fishing industry and father/son relationships in Japan, you get to watch Jiro - who may be the most adorable man ever - in his element.  I was fascinated by the rigorous apprenticeship process and Jiro's work ethic.  I'm not sure you can call it work ethic because that implies perseverance through work and Jiro loves what he does so much that "work" clearly has a different definition for him than it does for me.    

Heavy post alert: Now that I'm a homeowner, my parents told me it's time to set up a will dictating where my assets should go in the [hopefully unlikely and unfortunate] event of my passing.  Since I am unmarried and childless, the first instinct is to just dump everything into my parents account; however, I saw this as an opportunity to do something good.  I have decided that should I die before I marry and have kids the majority of my money will go to charity.  I am now in the process of picking the right charities and there are TONS to choose from.  The point of this post is not to talk about death and bring you down.  The point is to remind you in the middle of this holiday season how important it is to give back.  I haven't finalized my charity plan yet, but I can tell you that I want to donate to causes that are near and dear to my heart.  This is where everyone is different and there is a charity for everyone from pet lovers to cancer haters.  I am not here to judge what's important to you, but I do urge you to figure out what tugs at your heartstrings and spread the good.  While I was trying to sort out what I care about most, I discovered Charity Navigator, which organizes charities based on cause, financial status, popularity, and more.  Based on personal experiences both good and bad, I have decided I would like to support groups that fight domestic abuse and groups that support literacy and study abroad.  What cause is most important to you?    

A few weeks ago while I was in Athens, I spotted one of the greatest inventions: a Towable Tailgate.  These guys take tailgating to a whole new level.  You can customize this mini trailer with a tv, grill, stereo system, cooler stand, and more. It's super intense and I want one. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Oyster Roast 2012

I added "2012" to this blog post's title because after the success of this year's event, it's sure to become an annual thing.  Oyster roasts are commonplace in The Lowcountry for good reason - they're freakin awesome.  Basically, you create a pit outside and roast the oysters on a grate above an open flame (we roasted 5 bushels - each weighs about 60 lbs).  Once they're cooked, you pour them out on the table and get to shucking.  The best part (other than the oysters themselves) is that everybody has great conversation while they're hunched over the picnic table, sleeves rolled up, batting away gnats with their elbows.  It's a fabulous southern tradition and one that I'm happy my brother introduced to our Thanksgiving weekend tradition.

Before I left for Savannah, Mark asked me if I would make any apps since he knows that's my specialty.  Just as I did for Thanksgiving, I made one fallback (bacon wrapped jalapeno poppers) and one new recipe. The newbie this time was Brussels sprout prosciutto sandwiches.  It was way easier than I expected.  You'd expect something this easy to be ugly, but it looks nice and pretty - like a bowl full of shiny emeralds.  Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture so you can't see how good they looked, but check out this recipe to see where I got my inspiration.  I tweaked the original recipe a bit: I halved the sprouts, put them on a foil lined cookie sheet, and drizzled with oil and whatever spice blend I have lying around (big fan of Trader Joe's Everyday Seasoning).  Once they were nice and browned, I tore prosciutto into manageable bits, sandwiched between two halves, and skewered with a toothpick.  The original recipe calls for cooked prosciutto, but I think prosciutto is best as is.  Next to the jalapeno poppers, this app was basically a healthy salad.  I'm sure I'll make them again soon and won't forget to whip out the camera.  Allison also made a bangin app, but I'm not going to describe it now because I already have plans to steal it and make it for book club next month (giving her credit, of course) so you'll just have to wait on that one.
Photo courtesy of Greg Greenberg


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Book Review: I Have Iraq in My Shoe --> On Quarterlette!

My second piece was just published on Quarterlette today!  Once again it's a book review but that's all the info you're gonna get.  For more, head here.

Gobble Gobble 2012

Now that we're in year 5 of Thanksgiving at Mark and Allison's, we've started settling into our own traditions.  When we combined the Sand and Konter families we kept some favorites from each side (two turkeys, corn and carrot souffles, cranberry sauce, etc.) and then incorporated some new dishes that have since become depended upon to fill out the spread (two types of dressing).  Each person in the family has their own dish and role in the meal, including me.

My dish, however, is the only one that changes every year.  I am always in charge of appetizers, but I always make something different.  I feel like Jeff Daniels' character in "Pleasantville," the soda shop owner who gets to paint the windows at the diner for Christmas.  It's the one time a year he gets to express himself and do whatever he wants.  My appetizers may not be as artistic as all that, but it is fun to play around, especially during a holiday that's all about tradition and doing things the same way each year.  I guess for my dish, the thing that stays the same is the fact that it always changes.  Did I just confuse you?  Good.

Like always, I made one dish that I've tried before in case the new recipe didn't work.  This year's fallback was bacon wrapped potatoes with hot sauce sour cream.  They went over just as well as they did at book club a couple weeks ago.  The new dish was a hot ricotta dip.  I absolutely loved this.  I used this recipe and it turned out perfectly.

You could actually pick out the individual flavors of the lemon zest and red pepper flakes as well as the herbs - oh, the herbs!  Rosemary and thyme are so perfect for Fall/Winter and the flavor of the fresh stuff makes a real impression.  I know you won't believe that a dish made entirely of cheese won't weigh you down, but this is not a heavy appetizer.  Ricotta is a lighter cheese by nature and once the egg is added it poufs up like a souffle.  In case you didn't know, souffle is French for "classy" so make this and you'll be one fancy bitch. 


Monday, November 26, 2012

Yesso to Spasso

I am dreaming about cheese.  Not just any cheese: the housemade stracciatella at Spasso.  It's been nine days and this cheese is all I can think about.  It falls somewhere between the firm outside and creamy inside of burrata cheese and is a stringy gobbledy goop in a bowl, topped with olive oil and sea salt.  It is the perfect start to a meal.  Any meal.

Perhaps I was just on a cheese high, but I genuinely enjoyed everything I had at Spasso.  First off, I respected that the waiter picked up on our price point and taste preferences without asking many questions and suggested a wonderful wine.  We thought we had made our decision, but he offered us a taste of something that he claimed we would enjoy way more and for only $8 additional dollars.  He wasn't upselling us for a measly $8, he genuinely wanted us to enjoy a superior wine and let us taste each to back up his claim.  

When it came to food, Laurie and I split a pasta dish: pappardelle with braised oxtail ragu and ricotta salata. It was wonderful.  The ragu was the perfect consistency - not too thick and not too soupy.  We also tried the fried cauliflower caponata, which had currents for a sweet surprise in the salty chopped veggie mix.  It was a lighter side dish that still had a lot of flavor.  I don't usually go for dessert, but we had ordered conservatively for dinner so we decided to see if the sweets were as good as the rest of the menu.  Neither of us wanted anything big or too rich so the chamomile panna cotta with cherries and candied hazelnuts was the perfect choice.  The panna cotta had a creamier texture than usual - that's not a complaint; the thicker texture made every bite more satisfying.

When it comes to nicer restaurants, I don't normally want to go back immediately.  I am usually glad I went but file it away as an experience, a place to cross off the list.  Spasso stays on the list.  I'm just not ready to move on.  

Now if you'll excuse me, it's nap time, and I have a feeling that once I close my eyes I'll be eating stracciatella in my dreams.      

Friday, November 23, 2012

Book Review: Decoded

I didn't think I would pick up a book by Jay-Z and I certainly didn't think I would relate to a book by Jay-Z. I was wrong on both counts.

When my office reviewed a case study of a Bing/Jay-Z cross promotion, I was impressed by the innovative marketing.  For the month prior to the book's release, actual pages were released (5-10/day) in places relating to the content (i.e.: the housing project where he grew up).  Using "", people could locate the pages online or in person.  Once they found it, they received credit to be entered into a drawing for a signed copy or the grand prize of concert tickets.  The game itself relied on Bing's technology like Bing Maps and Bing Entertainment features like song clips.  I discovered the campaign after it was over, but I figured if Jay-Z was willing to participate in an out-of-the-box campaign, perhaps his book was out-of-the-box as well.

I don't really follow hip hop and only know the big rap songs that crack the Top 40.  I like them fine enough and can tell when some artists are more talented but don't know the genre well enough to understand what sets some apart from others.  If Jay-Z is right (and based on his hoards of followers, he is), the hip hop masters are the ones who are dedicated.  As a boy, Jay-Z poured over the dictionary to increase his vocabulary in an effort to make his rhymes the sickest.  As he dissects his own songs, you see how each word is meticulously chosen to convey complex themes and metaphors throughout each verse.  I'm going to make a bold statement: Jay-Z is a genius.  Like most successful artists, his brain just works differently and I am in awe of the poetry he creates.  Even the narrative pieces of the book have a rhythm that flows like one of his raps.

I also respect how self aware he is.  I am not sure if this is a trait he possessed as a young man, but after years in the game, he has a clear view of his own position within the bigger picture and doesn't apologize for much.  This "realness" is what got me hooked.  Politically correct or not, he is comfortable throwing around the word "nigga" and talking about his experiences on the streets (even if they sound stereotypical).  Whether you agree with the lifestyle or not, it is/was his life and I appreciate him sharing it with the general reader in his own words.  If I felt he was holding back, I would not have been able to take him or hip hop as seriously.

As the title implies, this book decodes Jay-Z's songs as well as his life.  Breaking down his childhood and background as a hustler, you understand the story he was compelled to tell through his music.  It would be easy for Jay-Z to write a tell-all, but this gossip-free book offers more than petty gossip ever could.  It has the power to change one sheltered white girl's perception of hip hop.  I can respect authors and enjoy their work without feeling like we can be buds.  I don't know if we would be besties, but by the time I finished reading, I felt like Jay-Z and I could sit down to a conversation and have no problem finding common ground.  So, HOV, thanks for changing my outlook on you and the hip hop genre.  If you want, I'm up for grabbing a burger at Spotted Pig or even babysitting Blue Ivy so you and Beyonce can have a night out on the town.  Just let me know.  Holla.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

3 on Thursday

After a two day work week, I am currently relaxing in Savannah with the fam for Thanksgiving.  Could not be happier.
The last 5+ years in NYC have been great.  This city has nearly everything but has been lacking in the country music department.  If this weekend is any indication, the musical tide is turning.  In three short days I packed in not one but two country music concerts.  The first was Eli Young Band who turn out a more rock and roll sound when playing live.  They have recently started tearing up the charts and people have begun taking note.  Not sure if country is for you?  Well, if you're a Tom Petty fan, this group will be for you - we may make a country believer out of you yet.  Concert number two was Zac Brown Band.  I can't tell you how happy this concert made me.  First, I was just happy to see some boys from my beloved home state make it to the big time where even New Jersey kids are belting out all the lyrics to their down home tunes.  It was tough to swallow such an expensive ticket when I used to see them for $10 in Athens, but they deserve it.  Second, they put on a great show.  They are all incredibly talented, especially the fiddle player.  And finally, in addition to hearing all their great songs, I went nuts over the covers.  Stevie Wonder's "Isn't She Lovely" led into John Mayer's "Neon" (a fellow Georgian whose first album was huge for me in high school...though I felt seriously old when none of the other people at the concert knew the song), "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" was one of the best things our group could hear, and hearing "America the Beautiful" followed by Metallica's "Enter Sandman" just before "Chicken Fried" was a fabulous way to end the show.  As much as I love it up here, homesickness is inevitable.  Getting to see concerts like this is the best antidote.  

Elizabeth Banks is a great actress.  I think the world has figured that out by now.  Did you also know she's an Ivy League grad - magna cum laude, no less?!  Combine beauty, brains, and a sense of humor and the woman is bound to be unstoppable.  She's built a cute lifestyle website filled with recipes and social commentary.  It's a great place for a little mental health break.

Saw this magazine spread and could not help but audibly "awww".

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Pinwheels for Potluck

After ducking out the last couple months, I decided to participate in an office potluck.  This month's theme was tailgating, which leaves the field wide open (no pun intended).  Since I was short on time and cash, I decided to make a timeless potluck item: pinwheel sandwiches.

I rolled up tortillas with mayo, shredded cheese, cajun spiced turkey, and broccoli slaw.  You may think this is unworthy of a post, but they turned out well and the broccoli slaw was a nice non-lettuce crunch.  I had to do something to make these guys different than the ones you find on the prepared grocery store platters and my solution was spiced turkey and broccoli slaw.  Eventually I'm sure I'll post about haute pinwheels, but for now, you get the plain ones.  They may have been simple, but that doesn't mean they weren't all eaten.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Pounds & Ounces

I need to remember how many great restaurants are in Chelsea.  Lindsay gets credit for finding my most recent Chelsea spot, Pounds & Ounces.  Once I got past the overly heavy front doors (I recommend lifting weights before holding them open for anyone), the first thing to catch my eye was the long, curved table that snaked down the middle of the restaurant.  Lindsay and I ended up sitting at our own two-top so we didn't get to mingle with random table neighbors, but we still benefited from the lighthearted mood it set in the restaurant.

We decided not to have drinks, but they looked delicious and came by the glass or pitcher.  They already have great music going so if they only had deals on the beverages, this place would be the perfect spot for party brunch.  Though I can't attest to whether or not the drinks tasted as good as they looked, I can tell you the food was as tasty as described on the menu.

Lindsay is a benedict connoisseur so I would guess that their version was good based on her clean plate.  They call it the classic but I would say it strays far enough from the original to earn a new name.  Porchetta, asparagus, and smoked tomato hollandaise make for an original brunch specialty.  I went with the huevos rancheros pizza.  Spicy roasted tomatoes, black beans, guanciale, avocado, and a sunny side up egg made up the toppings for homemade flatbread.  Using a sunny side up egg instead of scrambled felt lighter and rejuvenated from the heavy breakfast burrito version.  My only complaint was that the middle was too soggy to pick up and it was sitting on top of thin parchment paper that ripped when I cut my pizza.  All they need to do is switch it from the [albeit] cute pizza pan to a regular plate and that one tiny problem is solved.   If my primary complaint is plate selection, I think they're doing more than a fine job.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Bacon-Wrapped Potatoes

It was my turn to host book club this month and I couldn't resist picking up S'mac since it just opened in my neighborhood.  I can't describe how good this mac and cheese is and how happy I was to have an excuse to order the mongo size.  I didn't want it to be a complete cop out, so I also cooked a dish myself.  (My book club is strict - you must put effort into the food you bring and you must actually talk about the book.)

I made bacon wrapped potatoes that were super easy and certainly a crowd pleaser.  Cut up new potatoes into bite size portions and boil til fork tender (about 5 minutes).  Toss them with olive oil and fresh herbs like rosemary or thyme (if you don't have these, you can just use whatever seasoning strikes your fancy - salt and pepper works fine) and then wrap them in bacon (it will take about 1/3 -1/2 strip) and secure with a toothpick.  Stick them in the oven at 400 til the bacon looks done (about 20 minutes, flipping once).  Serve with sour cream mixed with hot sauce.

Luckily, I was able to snap a pic before they were all gone, but the nearly empty bowl should be an indication of how popular they were.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Butternut Squash and Leek Sauce

I love creamy things.  The problem is that creamy meals are always the least healthy...until you get to the Fall/Winter when a couple of the most popular vegetables can be easily turned into velvety soups or creamy sauces.  I've seen so many butternut squash soup recipes that I should have thought about how that could translate into a sauce, but it took a healthy eating blog, SkinnyTaste, to show me the light.

Simply puree cooked butternut squash in a blender while you sauté chopped leeks and garlic (about 5 minutes).  Once the leeks are done, add the pureed squash along with salt, pepper, parmesan, and sage (reserve a little for plating) then toss with the pasta and add pasta water to achieve the desired consistency.  Be sure to reserve the pasta water because you're definitely going to want to thin it out a bit.

This pasta was seriously good.  All the creaminess of an alfredo without the fat.  I ate it during the first snow of the season when all you want is comfort food.  The added comfort of this particular food is knowing it won't result in thunder thighs.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

3 on Thursday

As happy as I am to see my Dawgs secure the SEC East title this weekend, I was even happier to have a few more days of nice weather before the harsh New York winter makes its presence known.
I can't believe I forgot to share pics of my Halloween costume!  Though I usually throw a party, I took a year off since the holiday fell too close to my housewarming party.  Just because I wasn't hosting the festivities doesn't mean I took a year off from the holiday as a whole.  When it comes to Halloween costumes, I always make my own.  They are typically more cerebral (lots of wordplay) and always done on the cheap.  This year I went as 50 Shades of Grey.  The only thing I paid for was my manicure (a french tip with two different grey polish).  I used a skirt I had at home and then made a top out of paint samples pilfered from Home Depot.  Loved the result!

Before the power went out during Hurricane Sandy, Danielle and I started a Homeland marathon.  I am now obsessed!  Sadly, I got rid of my Showtime so I'll be finishing Season 1 via Netflix.  Lots of intrigue in this one!

Turns out, if you ignore the cold seasons, they still come anyway.  Not buying appropriate clothing in protest will not stave off the chill.  This weekend, I gave myself a budget of $250 and went out in search of Fall clothing.  I found two dresses at Coup de Coeur, a boutique by my apartment that carries trendy clothes at a reasonable price, a great pair of peeptoe snakeskin booties at Second Time Around, and the above pictured shirt at Pookie and Sebastian.  Pookie is usually a little too pricey for me, but I splurged after coming in under budget on the other items.  I'm so glad I did because this shirt is absolute heaven.  It is the closest you can get to wearing a sweatshirt and still looking cute.  It doesn't look super special in the pic, but when paired with bangles and cute ballet flats it made the perfect brunch outfit.     

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Shredded Brussels Sprout Salad

I love that Trader Joe's sells Brussels sprouts in shredded/slaw form.  They're great to sauté with vegetables but this time I decided to use them for the base of a simple salad.  When it comes to nuts in salad, I know the walnut is usually everybody's first pick.  I, however, prefer pine nuts or sunflower seeds for my crunch because the size and texture is more to my liking.  Now I have another that I can add to the approved nut list: pistachios. They add great crunch to the salad and are one of the more flavorful nuts (almost but not quite as buttery as pine nuts) so not much else is needed.  All you need is a light dressing (oil, lemon, balsamic) and some shaved parmesan (I used a gouda/parmesan hybrid that I love and had on hand).  One final ingredient that I almost overlooked in this recipe is fresh parsley.  It doesn't change the texture of the salad but adds a great herb flavor.

Much like kale, substituting this for lettuce gives you something to really chomp on.  Instead of needing lettuce + something crunchy like bell pepper, you get it all in one ingredient.  Who doesn't like making life easier?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Amor y Amargo

Karina's latest hobby is mixolgy. She has begun experimenting with different cocktails at home and is pouring over literature to make herself the most accomplished amateur mixologist in Queens. It makes sense that the best way to learn which drinks you fancy and how to make them is by getting out there and trying them. We made a date last Tuesday to do a little research and hit up two bars that specialize in bespoke cocktails to see if they would inspire Karina.

The second bar was Death and Co., but I've already written about that one so check out the previous post via it's hyperlinked name. The first bar we went to was Amor y Amargo, which is actually owned by the Death and Co. crew. While Death and Co. has a little of everything, all of their subsequent ventures have a distinct specialty: Cienfuegos = Cuban and rum, Mayahuel = Mexican and tequila/mezcal, and Amor y Amargo = bitters. Bitters are technically digestifs but are usually used to flavor drinks vs. being the drink itself. Apparently, there all sorts of artisinal bitters out there, most of which are made in Brooklyn (go fig). At Amor y Amargo there are about 30 different types of bitters on hand ranging in flavor from rhubarb to burlesque bitters. When I told the bartender I was a whiskey drinker and in the mood for something seasonal (since last night was the first night the cold weather really made its presence known), he directed me to the smut peddler which was a whiskey based cocktail featuring cinnamon, among other flavors. Forget a blanket on cold nights - this drink will warm you right up.

The bar is small. Real small. There's only room for about 15 people total. The benefit to this is that it allows the bartender to really concentrate on making your personal drink absolutely perfect. There was much precision that went into the drinks and that takes time. The only way he was able to devote such time was because he wasn't backed up with orders since the bar can't accommodate a crowd. The downside to the small bar was that it became that much more evident that the staff was not super friendly. They were by no means rude and I'm not asking for a banner when I walk in the door, but it when there are only 8 people inside the whole place, it's pretty evident that they're not making conversation or checking if you're ready to order.

In addition to finding a new under-the-radar bar, I was happy to support downtown businesses that are recovering post Sandy. All in the foodie industry are urging New Yorkers to "eat down, tip up" and I was happy to oblige.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Buford Highway: Queens in Atlanta

I know Jen was upset to leave New York, but she, Matt, and Avery have made themselves a beautiful life in Atlanta.  They told me one thing that eased the transition was seeing how close they were to Buford Highway.  Buford Highway is a sketchy area, but one that's worth visiting if you want authentic ethnic cuisine.  Matt and Jen are adventurous eaters and often ventured all over the city (usually in Queens) to find the most legit food so this felt like home to them.  It is a loooong strip of restaurants (mostly Chinese, Vietnamese, and Mexican) so we ended up eating both lunch and dinner there on Sunday.

Our first meal was dim sum at Oriental Pearl.  It was just as good as the New York Chinatown restaurants, and nearly as busy.  For supper, we went to El Rey Del Taco for Mexican that went beyond the chicken/beef options.  We tried to get in as many different meats as possible (one taco each of tongue, cheek, and steak, a pork burrito, a chorizo quesadilla, and a mixed grill dish that had three meats including [most notably] bacon - that last one was pure hangover food in the best way possible.)  The food was greasy and delicious and came with an amazing green sauce that we poured over everything.

Atlanta has emerged as a premier dining city with all sorts of nouveau cuisine.  While it's nice that there is no shortage of unique restaurants for date night, girls night, or a birthday, I highly recommend you trek to Buford Highway when you're in the mood for something cheap and different.
Starting Avery out on chopsticks early

Friday, November 9, 2012


I had planned a trip to Georgia for the Ole Miss game and some hanging out with my Atlanta friends, but I was worried that I wouldn't make it out due to Hurricane Sandy.  I was worried about getting to the airport so I left about four hours before my flight.  Because the city was rapidly running out of gas, there were no cars on the road and almost no one in the airport.  When I got to the gate, I saw that there was an earlier flight leaving at 6 PM and asked if I could get on it (with just four minutes to spare before they finished boarding).  The gate attendant switched my ticket free of charge and I walked on the plane to find it nearly empty, affording me an entire row to myself.  I'm not going to say I deserved it, but after a week without electricity, water, or heat (and no complaining from me), it was time for some good karma.

The best part about getting on a flight two hours early was that it meant I made it in time for dinner.  Because my parents didn't expect me to leave so early they were still on the road so I had a window of opportunity to meet up with Patricia for dinner.  She was already at the restaurant with her fiancé and another couple, so I hopped in a cab and met them at Watershed.

Watershed was previously located in Decatur but just moved to the Brookwood Hills neighborhood.  One of the owners is an Indigo Girl and the restaurant has snagged a James Beard award.  Those two details might lead you to believe that it's a pricier place, and it is.  However, they nailed it with the food so I didn't mind the price tag.  And no, my palate was not stunted because I had been subsisting on Pirates Booty and halloween candy during the hurricane - I was still able to recognize good food.

My lamb shank ragu over hand cut paperdelle with crispy brussels sprout leaves was perfect.  There was a hint of spice in the sauce, but it was a deep, smoky spice felt in dish's under-notes (if top-note is a wine term, I'm guessing under-note can be a food term).  This is the kind of dish that makes you feel whole again.  I also enjoyed a couple bites of the "very good chocolate cake in a jar."  It was rich without being dense.    

Side Note: I grabbed some matches on my way out and loved that they included their fried chicken recipe.  Great touch.


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